Audio: University of Missouri expert shares insights on caring for livestock in the heat

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With high outdoor temperatures and heat index values, University of Missouri Extension Field Specialist in Livestock, Shawn Deering, shares tips for livestock owners.

He says a “big thing” when caring for livestock in hot temperatures is to provide shade.



Deering says cattle prefer cooler weather. He explains it does not have to be too hot outside with humidity for cattle to experience mild to moderate heat stress.

He describes the signs and symptoms of heat stress.



Deering said one thing that compounds the situation in our area is that many cattle herds are predominantly dark-colored.



Livestock owners need to make sure animals have access to plenty of water and that their water systems can keep up with demand. Deering also says cattle owners should not move and work cattle when it is very hot because that could cause more heat-related problems.

Livestock owners wanting more information can contact their local Extension office and be referred to a field specialist in livestock that covers their county.

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