Audio: State Representative Mazzie Boyd on activities in the Missouri House of Representatives

Mazzie Christensen (Photo via Mazzie for Missouri website)
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State Representative Mazzie Boyd of Hamilton says some exciting things have happened in the Missouri House of Representatives in the last couple of weeks.

One of the things she thinks is exciting involves the foreign land ownership bill.



Boyd hopes the State Senate will take up the foreign land ownership bill, not change it too much, and send it to the governor.

Other legislation passed out of the State House involved decreasing personal property taxes. Boyd notes the House passed the bill with 150 votes, without a single “no” vote being cast.



Boyd mentions MSRP, which stands for manufacturer’s suggested retail price.

Another bill sent to the State Senate would make medical devices used for cancer treatment tax-exempt, noting she was happy to send that bill forward.

Boyd notes work in her committees has been “fascinating.”



Boyd says state representatives have not been told what will be voted on next week, but she thinks it will be the most eventful week of the legislative session.

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