Unarmed Civilian Protection Units: Will they change the face of security?

Security guard in uniform patrolling a residential area.
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When Representative Cori Bush (D-Mo.) faced threats during her 2020 election campaign, she sought the help of unarmed civilian protection in Saint Louis.

Unarmed civilian protection members undergo specialized training to de-escalate even the most volatile situations. Eli McCarthy, the Director of Programs for the D.C. Peace Team, explained that a highly skilled unarmed civilian protection unit employs a variety of nonviolent techniques. These include centering, different forms of dialogue, and acknowledging feelings and needs.

“Methods such as distraction, delegation, and dignity phrases are used,” McCarthy elaborated. “For instance, phrases like ‘We are in this together; let’s find a way through this’ can be effective. Additionally, tactics like interposition allow members to use their bodies to intervene and block confrontations.”

McCarthy noted that unarmed civilian protection is not a new concept; it is practiced in war zones like South Sudan, Colombia, Iraq, and the Philippines.

As the United States prepares for the upcoming November 2024 elections, some national organizations have already begun requesting de-escalation training from the D.C. Peace Team. McCarthy believes that the training and deployment of unarmed civilian protection units at election polling places, for faith-based groups, and for those involved in the election process who feel directly threatened, can be highly beneficial.

“One option is to hire an unarmed civilian protection team to provide regular accompaniment, allowing individuals to focus on their work without constant fear,” McCarthy said. “As Cori Bush put it, ‘I don’t have to look over my shoulder and be on constant alert.'”

The D.C. Peace Team is part of a larger network known as the Shanti Sena Network, which comprises members from peace teams across the U.S. and Canada and is open to members worldwide.

(Photo licensed via Envato Elements)

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