Two public water supply districts issue boil advisories

Boil Advisory
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Two water district offices of the area have separate boil advisories for rural water customers. One advisory is in Mercer County and the other is in Putnam County.

Due to repairs yesterday to a water line, the Mercer County Public Water Supply District requested a precautionary boil advisory for customers within the boundaries of Route D at Modena, west to the Mercer and Harrison County line and north to Highway 136.

Customers are advised to boil water for three minutes for cooking and drinking purposes. The boil advisory will expire at 5 o’clock tomorrow (Wednesday) unless another notification is made by the water district office number one at Mercer.

Putnam County Public Water Supply District Monday issued a boil advisory for rural water customers between the intersection of Highway 136 and Route W, going east to the intersection of Highway 136 and Highway 149 south. Included are customers on Deerwood Trail.

According to the water district office in Unionville, the precautionary boil advisory for that area of Putnam County is in effect until Wednesday evening.

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