Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority website or MSASBDA

Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority announces funding of projects

The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority announced it has invested more than $2 million in projects that increase the distribution and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel in the State of Missouri. Expenses incurred during the construction, installation, upgrade, or retrofit of fuel dispensers/pumps, storage tanks, and other infrastructure located in Missouri […]

Loren Ray Parkhurst

Obituary & Services: Loren Ray Parkhurst

Loren Ray Parkhurst, 89, Eagleville, MO, passed away Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at a Des Moines, IA hospital. He was born on July 24, 1932, the son of Orville and May (Hunsicker) Parkhurst. He was the second of six children. Loren attended grade school at a country school just a few miles from home. He […]

Career Development Events

Trenton FFA teams takes 1st place in Northwest Missouri District Career Development Events competition

Five additional contest results have been released from the Northwest Missouri District Career Development events competition held on Tuesday. Trenton FFA teams won first place at districts in ag sales and dairy cattle. Previously, it was announced Trenton had a first-place team for food science. Other Trenton FFA teams have qualified for state in the […]

Oil rig with American flag background

Coalition of 27 state treasurers and auditors call on the Biden administration to promote American energy production

Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick joined 26 other state financial officers in calling on the Biden Administration to promote American energy production. In a letter to the President, the state leaders emphasized the need to re-establish American energy independence amid the massive increase in the price of gas and diesel, which is contributing to the […]

Bird Flu News Graphic (Photo credit Danganhfoto on Pixabay)

University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine tracking the spread of bird flu, one test at a time

Throughout the country, an extremely infectious disease called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been circulating rapidly among flocks of chicken and turkeys. While the disease poses little risk to humans, it presents a serious threat to infected birds as well as the nation’s poultry industry, which is already facing supply chain disruptions. At the […]


USDA offers CLEAR30 option for producers to enroll land with expiring conservation contracts

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is announcing the signup period for its Clean Lakes, Estuaries, And Rivers initiative (CLEAR30) — a nationwide opportunity for certain landowners and agricultural producers currently implementing water quality practices through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to enroll in 30-year contracts, extending the lifespan and strengthening the benefits of important water quality […]

National Agriculture Week 2022

Missouri Celebrates National Agriculture Week

This week, the Missouri Department of Agriculture celebrates the state’s position nationally in agriculture production. Missouri is home to 95,000 farms, employs nearly 460,000 people in agriculture, forestry, and related industries, and has an estimated economic impact of $93.7 billion. Agriculture remains the state’s number one economic driver, supporting both rural and urban communities from […]

Students Participate in Ag Contest Day on NCMC Campus 2022

Students participate in annual NCMC Ag Contest day

Approximately 1,650 high school agriculture students from more than 70 high schools across northern Missouri participated in the annual NCMC Ag contest day held at North Central Missouri College on Thursday, March 17. The contests were held in cooperation with Area 2 Agriculture Educators for students to practice their judging skills in preparation for further […]