Trenton Board of Education approves new hires and accepts two resignations

Trenton R-9 school district hires new staff members
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Following an executive session Tuesday night for personnel, the Trenton R-9 Board of Education approved several hirings and accepted two resignations of non-certified staff.

Information provided Wednesday morning by the Trenton R-9 School District office shows new instructors for the coming school year are Emily Reardon, who will be high school health and physical education instructor along with being the Future Teachers Association sponsor.  Derek Bloom will teach high school government and Lucas Lewis was hired for high school world history. Chanse Houghton will teach high school physical science.

Employed to teach at the Rissler Elementary School were Amanda Tatum and Samantha Baldwin. Adriane Todd moves to an administrative position as assistant principal at Rissler school. Amy Currie was given duties as a sponsor for the high school/middle school National Honor Society. Numerous extra duty coaching responsibilities also were approved.

Resignations came from Mattie Yoder as a cook and Briana Bentley as a para-professional.

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