Seventh District State Representative Rusty Black on Bills passed in the General Assembly

State Representative Rusty Black
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Seventh District State Representative Rusty Black of Chillicothe reports the 100th General Assembly passed three Bills in the past week.

Black reports one Bill related to ethics and prohibits lobbyist gifts to local government officials, superintendents, school board members, members of governing bodies of charter schools, and their staff. It prevents a “revolving door” by applying a two-year waiting period before elected officials can become lobbyists. The Bill also adds a new exemption to the Sunshine Law to protect constituent information.

Black reports another bill passed established the Narcotics Control Act, which will allow the Department of Health and Senior Services to establish a program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of all Schedule 2, 3, and 4 controlled substances. The information sent is confidential, and the department must maintain procedures to ensure privacy and confidentiality of the information. The information will be removed from the program after a maximum of three years.

The other Bill passed in the General Assembly dealt with the designation of the Cloria Brown Memorial Highway in Saint Louis County. Black says Brown was an advocate in raising awareness of human trafficking in Missouri.

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