University of Missouri Extension of Mercer County will host a Private Pesticide Applicator Training next week.
Growers are welcome to attend the meeting in the Hal England Center basement the morning of February 22nd at 8:30 regardless of needing recertification.
Mercer County Extension especially encourages growers to attend if their license has expired or will expire this year. Attendees are asked to bring a manual if they have one. If attendees do not have one, there is a mandatory $12 fee for a manual. A father and son, husband and wife, or other pairs can share a manual.
The Private Pesticide Training will last about two hours and participants are invited to an Ag Update following the training. Extension specialists will provide technical updates on various topics, including labeled herbicide rates, sprayer tip requirements, temperature inversions, buffers, drift, sprayer cleanout, personal safety, strategies to help reduce open cows, strategies to reduce input costs without reducing yields, farm market outlook, and invasive pests.
The Ag Update will conclude February 22nd around noon with RSVP suggested but not required.
Contact the Mercer County Extension Office for more information at 660-748-3315.