Preliminary information has been released from a Damage Assessment Status Report for Grundy County for recent flooding.
The report prepared, by Grundy County Emergency Management Director Glen Briggs, includes information from 11 townships, one community, and one road district. Estimated dollar loss for private property totals $42,500, which includes $35,000 for single family homes and $7,500 for businesses.
The Damage Assessment Status Report says one single-family home was reported as destroyed, three had minor damage, and five were affected. The number of affected homes is likely higher, but only five people had contacted Briggs as of Tuesday morning to report their basements flooded that do not normally flood. Briggs says the number of flooded basements is likely in the dozens. One business was reported to have major damage and three had minor damage.
For public property in Grundy County, the estimated dollar loss totals $855,270. That includes $19,975 for 48 debris removal sites, $7,140 for seven emergency protective measure sites, and $474,546 for 267 roads and bridges sites. The estimated dollar loss for public property also includes $97,398 for two public buildings and equipment sites,$254,211 for seven public utility sites, and $2,000 for one parks and recreation facilities site.
The Damage Assessment Status Report says community impacts include the partial washout of a force main near Muddy Creek. The report also notes there was no break to the line, but the washout is being monitored for future damage until repairs are complete.
Other reported community impacts include the Trenton Municipal Airport flooding and a number of school bus routes flooding and/or damaged, causing the first day of summer school to be postponed.
The report says Routes W, A, N, NN, E, O, and V as well as dozens, if not hundreds, of gravel roads were closed due to flooding or damage. Socioeconomic impacts on the community include people driving miles out of their way to get to places or not being able to get to certain places at all.
The Damage Assessment Status Report notes the worst impacts were in the northern two-thirds of Grundy County, and lesser impacts were in the southwestern part.