Date for community fireworks display in Trenton moved to July 4, 2019

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The date of the Trenton community fireworks display has been changed.

The evening of the display has been moved from July 3rd to July 4th to allow Galt resident Brad Coursey to shoot off the fireworks. The display will take place near the Rock Barn at dusk Independence Day.

The cost of the fireworks will be around $4,000 and donations are still being collected to cover the cost. Individuals, businesses, and organizations wanting to contribute can contact any of the Community Fireworks Committee members, which include Diane Lowrey, Rosetta Marsh, Joe Brinser, Joy Wright, Glen Briggs, and Debbie Carman.

Contributions may be sent to the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce at Post Office Box 233 in Trenton or dropped off at the Chamber office at 611 East Ninth Street. Checks should be made out to the Chamber, with fireworks written on the notation line.

The Chamber is serving as a collection point for the funds, but it is not sponsoring the event.

Donations can also be left in collection jars at the Trenton Hy-Vee, Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits, Main Stop, Landes BP, and Trenton License Bureau office.

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