Pickup with snowplow backs into van during snow removal from streets in Trenton

Pickup plowing snow
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The weekend process to remove snow downtown included an accident in which a city of Trenton vehicle backed into a van that was trailing the snowplow.

No injuries were reported from the accident just before midnight Saturday night on Main street near 11th Street.

Police reported the city of Trenton pickup was driven by 57-year-old Robert Dean Taylor of Trenton. It was southbound on Main blading snow, then began to back up. A southbound van, driven by 52-year-old Shelly Marie Brewer of Trenton, was unable to back up in time. The front of the van, according to police, received moderate damage when struck by the salt and sand spreader attachment. No damage was noted to the city of Trenton vehicle.

Police stated at the time of the accident, the city was using various pieces of equipment (skid loader, grader, snow plow) and resulting in a long row of snow which divided Main Street in half. Both of the vehicles involved in the accident were on the right side of the street.

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