Over the weekend, friends of wounded Trenton Police Officer Jasmine Diab began a Facebook page to provide updates and to share support and information. The page can be found at “Helping Jasmine Diab” which now has members from not only Missouri but all over the United States and Canada. It is a public group and anyone can join to offer their support and get updates on Jasmine’s condition.
The officer’s mother, Lori Diab of Moberly, has written a thank you on her Facebook page. She called the community and law enforcement support “overwhelming” for her daughter and young grand-daughter. In particular, she thanked people and organizations for prayers, food, in-person visits, phone calls, and texts.
Officer Diab had her second surgery on Sunday. Her mother described Jasmine as becoming more responsive but quoted doctors as saying she most likely would be hospitalized from 7 to 10 more days.
Lori Diab also recognized support from the Trenton, Moberly, and Kansas City police departments, the Missouri State Highway Patrol, city of Trenton, Police Chief Rex Ross, and wife Tracy; City administrator Ron Urton, and all citizens of Trenton including those involved with the helping Jasmine via social media. The Facebook post by Mrs. Diab also recognized all of the staff at the Truman Hospital in the Kansas City area.
A GoFundMe account has also been set up for those wishing to make a donation to assist with the expenses of officer Jasmine Diab. She will require an extended stay at home after leaving the hospital, and the money raised through the GoFundMe account will assist with paying bills, child care, food and any other medical care that is needed. The organizer of the GoFundMe account, who is a close friend and work associate indicates that “Every penny that is raised will be given directly to Jasmine.”
There also are several people who pledged to donate proceeds from product sales to Jasmine Diab and her daughter. Jasmine Diab, originally from Moberly, began employment with Trenton Police two years ago this month. Her 25th birthday is on Thursday, June 20th. On Sunday afternoon, approximately 100 people gathered on the courthouse lawn for a prayer ceremony led by Pastor Doug Franklin of Trenton.