Budgets and repeal of specific dog breeds ordinance on the agenda for meeting of Trenton City Council

City of Trenton Website
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The Trenton City Council next week will consider ordinances to adopt budgets for the City of Trenton and Trenton Municipal Utilities. The council will meet at the Trenton City Hall on March 14th at 7 p.m. It will also be available on Zoom at us02web.zoom.us/j/82987578256.

The council will also consider ordinances to approve a contract with Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for a sanitary sewer rehabilitation project and repeal a section of the city code entitled “Certain Breeds Prohibited” of an article entitled “Dogs and Cats.”

Other items on the agenda for the Trenton City Council meeting on March 14th include endorsing the Grundy County prosecuting attorney’s full-time position, appointment to the Police Personnel Board, and discussion of an air brake noise issue.

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