Audio: Transgender athletes ban passes House, votes down LGBTQ+ teacher discrimination ban

Missouri House of Representatives (photo courtesy of Tim Bommel at House Communications)
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Gender identity and LGBTQ-plus issues have gotten days’ worth of heated discussion in the Missouri General Assembly this session. Joey Parker tells us about the most recent legislative winners and losers.



Republican Representative Brian Seitz of southern Missouri’s Taney County highlights an issue that’s dominated this session. Representatives Maggie Nurrenbern, a Kansas City Democrat, and Republican Ron Copeland of Dent sparred Monday regarding the level of research behind Copeland’s bill to prevent transgender athletes’ participation on a team that doesn’t match their biological sex at birth.

After all the shouting, Mr. Copeland’s measure passed and an amendment by Republican Shamed Dogan of St. Louis to ban discrimination against LGBTQ+ teachers and school staff failed.

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