Above normal temperatures keeping snowfall to a minimum in January

MoDOT Snowplow (Photo courtesy MoDOT)
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Temperatures during January in Trenton are averaging nearly nine degrees above normal on highs and ten degrees above normal when it comes to low temperatures. There’s been no measurable snow during January 2023 in Trenton.

Checking KTTN weather records, since 1970, there’s been no measurable snow in January in Trenton just twice, n 1986 and 1989. There was a trace of snow in January of 1981. In addition to those years, there’s been one inch or less of January snowfall four times in Trenton since 1970. There was just one-quarter of an inch of snow in January 1992, one-half inch in January 2018, three-quarters of an inch in 1988, and one inch of snow in January 1998. Trenton, since 1970, has averaged nearly six and one-half inches of snow in January.

There are indications there could be some snow next week when above-normal precipitation and below-normal temperatures are favored.

We’re running about six and one-quarter inches below normal on snowfall this season in Trenton. Nearly two inches of snow has been measured at the water plant in western Trenton where weather readings are taken for the National Weather Service. KTTN has measured two inches of snow in downtown Trenton. Grundy County Emergency Management Director, Glen Briggs, has measured nearly three inches of snow this season at his residence on east 5th Street in Trenton.

Trenton, since the 1969-70 snowfall season, has averaged eleven and one-half inches of snow from November through January.

Although snowfall since November has been below normal in Trenton, overall precipitation has been above normal in each of those three months.

(Photo courtesy MoDOT)

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