Trenton Municipal Airport floods twice in one week, 12-inches of water reported in main hangar

Flooded Trenton Airport May 29 2019
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With the airport in Trenton flooding twice in one week, Airport Manager Donnie Vandevender reports water from Sunday’s rain measured 12 inches in the main hanger and the former Trenton R-9 administrative and storage building and 36 inches plus in the T-hangars.

Water from the most recent rain entered into both structures in the T-hangars, and water was still rising Wednesday morning.

There has been no damage to the road to the airport, and it is doubtful the most recent event will damage it, however, Vandevender says flowing water has lifted a large section of the south end of the runway, and there is water damage to both structures. There is also debris on the runway.

(Photo Credit: Jim Bush)

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