The North Central Missouri College Board of Trustees approved the hiring of several new employees at its meeting Tuesday evening.
Crystal Johnson of Kansas City was hired as an exempt adjunct instructor for History courses beginning this fall and will teach classes online.
Rick Sharp of Saint Joseph was approved as a part-time exempt adjunct instructor for manufacturing and applied technology courses beginning this fall. He will teach classes at the North Belt Campus of Country Club.
The board hired Kristen Hoffman of Trenton and Elissa Zorn of Cameron as part-time exempt clinical adjunct instructors at the current clinical rate.
Lisa McClain of Cainsville was approved to transfer from a full-time teacher at Green Hills Head Start in Bethany to Family Engagement Specialist in Trenton. Her position will begin on June 17th.
Jennifer King of Bethany was hired as a full-time teacher in Chillicothe at Head Start. She will sign paperwork for the position Thursday, May 30th).
Tina Marrs of Spickard was employed as an Education Specialist for Head Start. The position will begin on or before June 10th.
The board approved the resignation of Head Start Chillicothe Teacher Aide Melissa McKee. Her last day of work was May 3rd.
Two positions were moved from classified staff to administrative, management, and professional classification: Academic Advisor/Records Assistant and Academic Advisor/Recruiter. The changes will take effect on July 1st.
Marie Moulin is currently the Records Assistant, and Melissa Spencer is the current Recruiter. Chief of Staff Kristi Harris said the positions are better fitted under AMP classification based on the job description, duties, requirements, and workload.
The board tabled the second reading for Board Policy Manual Chapter 2 until June. Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students raised a few questions regarding the policy changes. She said she wants the Board Policy Manual to be consistent with the college catalog.
The board discussed the first reading for Board Policies regarding purchasing and travel. Trustee Chris Hoffman made a suggestion regarding the purchasing policy and accepting bids from local companies and individuals. Hoffman said he would like to have an option to accept a bid from someplace local even if it is not always the lowest.
NCMC President Doctor Lenny Klaver said the college has guidelines it needs to follow, and the college is using taxpayers’ money. The policy revision presented said, “a five percent preference shall be granted to all firms, corporations, or individuals doing business as Missouri firms, corporations, or individuals, provided the additional cost to the college does not exceed $500.” Trustees discussed changing “shall” to “may” and taking out the part about the additional cost not exceeding $500. Associate Vice President for Business and Finance Tyson Otto said the revision to the travel policy did not change much.
Klaver reported NCMC will apply for Second Chance Pell because there are prisons in the service area. He said he is considering offering courses at prison online.
Klaver met with Cameron Regional Medical Center officials about athletic training facilities. He said they want to provide services to athletes, like evaluating injuries and wanted to know how much the college could afford to pay. He also visited Saint Charles Community College to see how its operations compared to NCMC. Klaver said he was asked a lot of questions about residence halls because Saint Charles is building its first one. The college has had fewer students recently, but staff there has not been reduced.
Klaver reported on the state budget stating 18.9 million dollars was included for the MoExcels Program as a one-time allocation with each school identified within its own separate line item of funding. No changes were made to core or equity funding for community colleges.
Klaver said community colleges plan to ask for 30 million dollars in next year’s budget and expect to receive 15 million. Ten million dollars of lottery funding was approved for the Fast Track Workforce Development Program. Vice President for Academic Affairs Tristan Londre said the Fast Track funding has some limitations and noted students in the Fast Track must sign a promissory note.
Londre reported the Higher Learning Commission has new guidelines with five criteria stating teams will gather evidence for the criteria. The guidelines are new, but they are “not substantially different” from the former guidelines.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Students Kristen Alley reported NCMC graduate survey results were “positive all in all.” She said administrative, management, and professional positions want to work both graduation ceremonies every other year from now on. One hundred fifteen students were suspended from financial aid, but many of them were graduates.
Alley said testing for accommodations for students can now be done at NCMC. Green Hills Head Start Director Sue Ewigman reported Head Start is wrapping up the year for prekindergarten students. She hopes to pick new students for next year starting next week. Almost all Head Start positions are filled.
Head Start Director Janet Gott reported Trenton Mayor Linda Crooks visited the Trenton facility last week and met students and staff.