Trenton High School presents Underclassmen Awards

Trenton High School
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Trenton High School presented Underclassmen Awards on Friday.

Those awards included the I Dare You Award, which went to Jaren Whitney and Oakley Madden.

Riley Raymo was named as the Missouri Boys State delegate. Alexis Whitaker was named as the Missouri Girls State delegate and Mackenzie Klinginsmith as an alternate. The Trenton Lions Club sponsors the Missouri Boys and Girls State.

The Gardner Courtesy Award went to Cole Soptic and Hannah Stark.

Grundy County Farm Bureau Leadership Day recipients were Grace Allen, Dolan Huber, and Matthew Slater.

Baldwin Academy of Eminent Young Scholars were Hannah Bowe, Morgan King, Trager Leeper, Chandler Lynch, Alaina Overton, Kaci Persell, Gracyn Rongey, Colton Roy, Mallory Sole, and Rebecca Urich.

The Grundy County Electric Cooperative, Incorporated Award went to Elizabeth Fewins.

Students with perfect attendance were Marianne Atup, Jonathan Dryer, Mackenzie Klinginsmith, Emily Kosse, Kasie Otto, Matthew Slater, and Jerrick Stotts.

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