The University of Missouri Extension offers cattlemen a bus tour of cattle operations in Kansas and Oklahoma Aug. 6-9. MU Extension livestock specialist Patrick Davis said the tour offers an opportunity to learn to manage herds better to make them healthier and more profitable. Registration deadline is July 15. Tour stops include: • Neosho Valley […]
Tag: acres
Close-up cow’ barns help cows avoid heat stress, produce more milk
Martin Prairie Farms near Humansville treats dairy cows like guests. The family-owned dairy farm north of Humansville in Hickory County dedicates itself to top-of-the-line herd nutrition and care, says University of Missouri Extension dairy specialist Reagan Bluel. Freddie and Mary Martin, son David, and David’s spouse, Alana, own and operate the nearly 3,000-acre farm. Almost […]
Missouri’s hot, dry weather spells trouble for soybeans and corn
Missouri’s record-breaking May heat and lack of precipitation set the stage for two unusual conditions in the state’s top cash crops—soybean and corn, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold. He urges farmers to look for rootless corn syndrome and heat canker in soybean, conditions that result from drought and heat effects on seedlings […]
Ducks Unlimited to begin major restoration at Swan Lake on June 1, 2018
Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge south of Sumner reports Ducks Unlimited will begin a major habitat restoration project at the refuge Friday, June 1st. The refuge notes Ducks Unlimited secured a $1,000,000 grant from the North American Wetlands Conservation Act to restore and enhance the refuge’s wetland habitat. The project was bid out to CC […]
Chillicothe Fire Department responds to Hutchinson Cemetery
The Chillicothe Fire Department responded to a brush fire at the Hutchinson Cemetery on LIV 320 Thursday at 12:50 in the morning. Assistant Fire Chief Kevin Hoskins reports the fire department responded with a brush truck and two personnel. Upon arrival, firefighters discovered the fire had spread from a burn pile in the cemetery to […]
Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge to undergo major renovation
The wetland habitat at Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge south of Sumner will be expanded and portions of the higher ground will be converted to grasslands this summer. Swan Lake reports the project will affect 1,890 acres of habitat at Swan Lake and includes restoration of 780 acres between Silver Lake and the Swan Lake […]
Mowing season begins on Missouri roads
Missouri Department of Transportation crews will soon begin mowing roadsides across the state. “Our mowing focuses on visibility and safety,” said MoDOT State Maintenance Engineer Becky Allmeroth. “Motorists will see tractor mowers near the shoulder of interstates and other busy roadways. Please watch out for our crews, slow down and don’t drive distracted.” Major and […]
Chillicothe Fire Department responds to grass fire
Chillicothe firefighters yesterday afternoon responded to a grass fire in an open field at 14092 LIV Road number 251. Upon arrival, approximately five acres of grass was burning and it was noted the owners of Koehler Home Sales, as well as neighbors, were using rakes to try and put out the fire but the wind […]
NCM Regional Water Commission adds new “Associate” members
In the “first step in exploring water supply” from the new East Locust Creek Reservoir in Sullivan County, the North Central Missouri Regional Water Commission has initiated a recruitment drive to communities and water districts. Specifically, those entities being sought are those who might consider water being supplied from the planned East Locust Creek Reservoir. […]
Learn all about the tax issue: Trenton Fire Tax “Sparks” interest
A Trenton committee promoting the city sales tax issue for the fire department points out home and business owners could see lower insurance premiums once a proposed fire training facility is established at Trenton. Part of the revenue generated by a one-quarter of a cent sales tax is earmarked for firefighter training locally and from […]
Trenton City Council Meeting Report for Monday, February 22, 2016
The Trenton City Council’s finance committee meets several times during preparations for the city budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1st. That’s also the case this year, with two more meetings announced for Wednesday, February 23, and Friday, February 26, both at noon. Trenton mayor nick McHargue, during last night’s city council meeting, said […]