The North Central Missouri College Board of Trustees approved 2018-2019 budgets for unrestricted accounts and auxiliary service accounts Tuesday evening.
The unrestricted accounts budget projects total expenses of $10,568,066 with total revenue projected at $10,364,169. This means there is a budgeted operational deficit for unrestricted accounts of $203,897. The auxiliary service accounts budget projects total expenses of $2,383,852 and total revenue of $2,341,650. There is a budgeted deficit for auxiliary service accounts of $42,202. Combined projected expenses total $12,952,918 with revenue of $12,705,819. This results in a total budgeted deficit of $246,099.
Associate Vice President for Business and Finance Tyson Otto reported the expected deficit includes payments for the Cross Hall and Barton Farm Campus notes as well as the Title 4 repayment, totaling $331,478. He said the funds for the obligations come from college reserves due to previously raised monies or decisions to pay from reserves. Otto noted the projected operating budget for the fiscal year 2019 would be a surplus of $85,379 absent of those cash outflows.
The board approved the Workforce Development Board/Workforce and Innovation Opportunity Act program year 2018 administrative budget. Projected revenues and expenses equal $401,496. Workforce Development Board Director Lisa Hostetler reported since there was less revenue, cuts were made to balance the budget. She noted funding is the lowest its been in the last seven years, and she anticipates funding to continue to go down.
The board approved the annual renewal of terms for a bond agreement with UMB Bank for one year from July 1st to June 30th, 2019.
An Ellucian software maintenance renewal was approved at a $52,778. Chief Information Officer Alan Barnett said the funds for the renewal come from the Information Technology Services budget. The board also approved the purchase of the Ellucian Mobile application at a cost of $18,406. Barnett noted Ellucian Mobile is the only mobile application that provides true mobile application functionality that integrates with PowerCampus.
The board approved the purchase of a network core switch from CDWG of Vernon Hills, Illinois for $35,536.96. Barnett explained the core switch is the network hardware that provides a network connection to each building and the internet. The current switch was purchased in 2008 and is no longer capable of providing higher speeds and expansion needed to keep up with growing network usage.
Doctor Lenny Klaver and Board President Don Dalrymple congratulated Barnett for putting on the Ellucian PowerCampus Conference. Barnett said it was difficult to plan without knowing how many attendees there would be. He said no money was spent on the conference.
The board approved tuition changes for high school students who want to dual enroll in NCMC courses. The changes include offering an Early College program to eligible Missouri high school students. Those students would be allowed to apply for admission for free. Students would be charged reduced tuition rates and pay normal fees except student health fees. In-district students taking on-campus courses would be charged $15 per credit hour in tuition and $35 per hour in fees for a total cost of $50 per hour. Out-of-district students on campus and students taking online or outreach courses would be charged $65 per credit hour in tuition and $35 per credit hour in fees for a total cost of $100 per credit hour.
Coordinator of Academic Support and Outreach Whitney Trump reported dual enrollment for high school students is based on the grade level. She said freshmen would need to have certain ACT composite scores in order to be eligible.
The board of trustees approved a change of scope for Green Hills Head Start, which involves the closure of the Hamilton Center. Head Start Director Doctor Beverly Hooker reported Green Hills Head Start will apply for the federal approval of the closure, effective for the 2018-2019 year. She explained the Hamilton Center has not been fully staffed for 17 years.
Doctor Hooker said employee turnover has caused children attending to not experience a consistent daily routine. Average daily attendance at the Hamilton Center last year was 52%, and other centers have higher attendance.
The board approved an overall board policy manual revision as part of the Bright Futures 2020 Strategic Plan. Associate Vice President for Business and Finance Tyson Otto said the latest version of the board policy manual includes three new policies presented at the May board meeting and revisions made by a Culture of Responsibility focus group over the past year.
The 2018-2019 college catalog was also approved.
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Doctor Kristen Alley reported that a few significant changes included the development of underage admissions guidelines, designation of Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Act (MOTR) classes guaranteed to transfer to Missouri public colleges. There are updated requirements for the Associate in Arts degree that incorporate recent changes to the statewide 42 credit hour core curriculum.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Doctor Tristan Londre’s recommendation was approved for the restructuring of the library/Academic Resource Center. Jayne Meservey will move from range 2 to 4 with the title Library Assistant—Tutoring Center and special duties involving operations for the tutoring center.
Shellee Castaneda will move from range 3 to 4 with the title Library Assistant—Testing Center and special duties involving the operation of the testing center. The ARC Director position will not be refilled, and a new Library Assistant 1 will be hired to cover the library front desk. The board approved the resignation of PC Specialist 2 Brandon Huffman. His last day of employment will be June 29th.
Chief Information Officer Alan Barnett said Huffman wants to finish his teaching degree at Northwest Missouri State University and return to NCMC to teach. The board approved internal transfers for Chris Flowers to move from the IT Help Desk to the PC Specialist 2 position and for Nathan Vandevender to move from a part-time position to a full-time IT Help Desk position. Both transfers will be effective July 1st.
Jenny Mosley of Galt was hired in the new position of admissions processor beginning July 2nd. Green Hills Head Start Trenton Center Co-teacher Jeni Moore’s resignation was approved. Her last day of employment with Head Start is June 26th. Ms. Moore will work with Grundy R-5 in the Parents as Teachers program.
The board approved the employment of Brooke Allnut of Brookfield as the Brookfield A Center teacher. Allnut previously taught at the Brookfield site and is returning after a year as a social worker with the Missouri Department of Social Services.
Doctor Hooker reported Head Start received a notice of award authorizing the balance of federal funds for the fiscal year 2018. She said the newly awarded funds of $1,100,940 will increase the total available funding for the fiscal year to $2,155,153. North Central Missouri College is expected to receive $117,782 as the fiscal agent for the Head Start program. Hooker noted the required non-federal local match now totals $538,788.
It was reported Hedrick Medical Center of Chillicothe no longer does dental treatment, which will make it difficult to complete treatments for Head Start enrollees in the future.
Vice President of Academic Affairs Doctor Tristan Londre reported apprenticeship classes have started at the Missouri Star Quilt Company of Hamilton and Gray Manufacturing of Saint Joseph.
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Doctor Kristen Alley reported NCMC faces a Department of Defense compliance audit for military students. She talked about meta-major implementation, which is an “umbrella” for students who do not have a major chosen when they start college but can explore various areas while being placed in classes in which they are interested. Londre gave an example and said a student’s choice of math or science classes might depend on a meta-major.
President Doctor Lenny Klaver reported he has visited the North Belt Center of Country Club, Northwest Technical School of Maryville, the Heartland Foundation Satellite of King City, and Chillicothe at the request of a business. He said he is looking for NCMC to provide offerings at the Heartland Foundation Satellite and in Chillicothe.
The board then moved into an executive session.