Newtown-Harris Board of Education adopts policies

Newtown-Harris School Website
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The Newtown-Harris R-3 Board of Education at its meeting Monday elected to purchase a riding lawnmower. The 2017 X590 John Deere mower will cost $5,400.  The board also approved a five-year contract for Ricoh copiers for the school years from 2018 to 2023. One copier will be at the high school, and another will be at the elementary school.

The board accepted the resignation of school board member Sharmyn Garcia. Garcia accepted a position at the school district as a full-time cook and maintenance personnel.

During a work session, the board adopted several district policies. Those policies regarded prohibition against harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; student safety; reporting of violent behavior; students in foster care; service animals in schools; and instruction for students with disabilities. A policy regarding homeless students replaced a policy regarding instruction for homeless students.

Superintendent Doctor Kim Johnson presented Principal Dustin Freeman’s report due to Freeman’s absence. Johnson reported three students attended credit recovery for seventh through 12th grade, which began June 4th. She said five students will participate in session two, which will run from July 16th through August 3rd.

Band camp for fifth through 12th grade with band director Ethan Stewart will be July 9th through 13th.

Johnson said the dead period for sports will be July 14th through July 22nd. Newtown-Harris received an invitation to participate in the United Way Oasis Reading program for kindergarten through fourth grade. The district will implement the reading initiative.

The board agreed to hold next month’s meeting July 16th instead of July 9th due to scheduling conflicts

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