NCMC Foundation Charles H. Witten Memorial Scholarship announced

Charles Witten
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The North Central Missouri College Foundation is honored to announce the Charles H. Witten Memorial Scholarship.  This recently endowed scholarship is made possible by the Charles Witten Estate and will benefit an NCMC sophomore pursuing an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.). First preference given to a student with an Agriculture & Natural Resources focus of study or transferring to a four-year degree.

Charles Witten was born March 18, 1927, and grew up on a farm outside Jamesport, Missouri.  As a senior in Trenton High School in 1945, Charles enlisted in the Navy.  After a short boot camp, he was shipped out to Okinawa, Japan and arrived two days after the Japanese surrender.  Part of Charles’ duties involved measuring radiation levels from the atomic bombs. Up until his death on December 22, 2017, Charles remained in good health and was a resident of northern Minnesota since the mid-1960s.  After retiring from farming, he helped maintain the Peace Park in Baudette, Minnesota on the Canadian-American border. 

Charles’ remaining siblings include two sisters, Mrs. Caroline Stokes of Trenton, Missouri and Mrs. Claire Nisonger of Bloomington, Indiana.  Both are alumni of Trenton Junior College before it became NCMC. 

“We are very pleased that the Charles Witten Estate has chosen NCMC students to invest in,” commented NCMC Director of Development Alicia Endicott.  “Scholarships leave a lasting impression on their recipients, and Mr. Witten’s story and his service to his country will inspire and encourage our students to do their very best.” 

The $20,000 endowment from the Charles Witten Estate will make possible a $1000 scholarship with the first award is available for the spring 2020 semester. For more information about starting or donating to a current NCMC Foundation scholarship, please contact Alicia Endicott at 660-357-6403, or visit

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