Grundy County Jewett-Norris Library offering Summer reading program and newspapers online

Jewett Norris Library
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The Grundy County Jewett-Norris Library of Trenton will hold a Summer reading program for youth and adults.

Library Director Theresa Hunsaker says patrons of all ages can participate in the program with this year’s program starting after school and finishing in time for the summer months. Dates will be announced when they are set.

Youth participants receive a coin for each hour they read with those coins redeemable for prizes. Prizes are made possible by businesses, individuals, and the Friends of the Library. There are also prizes for adults. Adults are asked to “get out of their comfort zone” and read books they would not normally read.

The Grundy County Library also takes recommendations from participants as to books it could add to its inventory.

The Grundy County Jewett Norris Library of Trenton also provides area newspapers in a digital format.

Library Director Theresa Hunsaker explains all the newspapers the library had on microfilm were converted to the optical character recognition format about six or seven years ago. Individuals can search for a name in the database and pull up an article and it should be noted that the feature is accessible in the library or at home.

Hunsaker says the conversion to optical character recognition started with a donation from Sandra Alexander, then other individuals, organizations, clubs, and trust funds contributed to raising about $40,000.

The library does not have many newspapers from Galt, Laredo, or Spickard, however, she would be willing to add those to the database if someone provided more papers.

For those interested, the area newspapers can be viewed on the library website.

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