Grundy County Commission accepts bids for mowing and cart rock

Grundy County Courthouse Trenton Missouri
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The Grundy County Commission has accepted a bid from Kevin Klinginsmith of K&J mowing to cut the grass at several Grundy County properties.

The property locations are the lawns at the courthouse, prosecutor’s office, and law enforcement center, the Bethel, Sires, and Wynne cemeteries and the road and bridge lot.  The combined bid for all locations was $290 dollars per mowing. The bid was the lowest of two received. The other quote did not include the three cemeteries.

The commission also accepted bids from Norris Quarries, Trager Limestone, and Twin States Sand and Gravel to provide various sizes of cart rock. Grundy County townships will be allowed to choose which business to use. The price for the same size rock varies among the companies.

The bid from Norris Quarries of Columbia is for quarries in Trenton and Princeton. Trager Limestone is from rural Chillicothe with Twin States based in Milan.

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