Easter Egg Hunts to be held in Trenton and Galt

Easter Egg Hunt
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Easter egg hunts have been organized in Trenton and Galt.

The community is invited to the Trenton First Assembly of God Church’s Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt for children from birth to 10 years old. The egg hunt is free and will be held Saturday morning April 20th at 11 o’clock.

In case of rain, it will be moved inside the First Assembly of God Family Activity Center. Children will be split into age groups: infant through prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade, second and third grades, fourth grade through 10 years old.

There will be bike giveaways for boys and girls as well as other prizes, and there will also be a bounce house, hot dogs, and lemonade.

The Galt Fire Protection District Ladies Auxiliary will sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt at Galt.

The event will be held at the Galt Square on Friday evening April 19th at 6 o’clock.

Participants will be split into three age groups: one to three years old, four to six, and seven to nine. Participants are asked to bring their own bags or baskets.

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