While school may have been dismissed not long ago for the Summer, registration for the upcoming school year has been announced for Trenton Middle School for the upcoming 2016-17 school year.
August 2-5, 2016 New Students to the District
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
New Students to the R9 District may come in on August 2-5, between the hours of 8 am – 2 pm to enroll. Students will need to return on their assigned registration day to pick up schedules, etc.
August 10, 2016, 5th Grade – 5-7 pm (Commons)
(Wednesday) 6th Grade – 5-7 pm (Library)
8th Grade – 5-7 pm (Gym)
This is a come and go event.
August 15, 2016, 7th Grade — 5:30-7:30 pm
7th & 8th-grade students will be allowed to pick their own locker (provided all fines/fees, from previous years, are paid) during their designated time, on a first come, first served basis. Parents may also pay lunch money, Ag fees (for 7/8 graders) and purchase a yearbook.
iPads will be issued as follows:
7th Grade – on Monday, 8/15. Parents must accompany students to fill out paperwork and pay a $25 tech fee.
8th Grade – paperwork will be filled out and signed by parents on Wed, 8/10. A $25 tech fee will also need to be paid at that time. 8th-grade students will be allowed to pick up their iPad in the library, starting at 7:30 am on the first day of school.
Persons may call the school at 359-4328 with additional questions.
Students will NOT be allowed to register early!
First Day of School – August 17, 2016