MoDOT to meet with property owners in Trenton regarding temporary easements

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Property owners along portions of Main and 9th Streets in Trenton are asked to meet with Missouri Department of Transportation personnel Monday, May 20, and Tuesday, May 21st, regarding temporary easements.

MoDOT reports those easements are needed in connection with planned improvements including pavement resurfacing, approaches, and rehabilitation of sidewalks between

Fourth and Kitty streets. To complete major improvements, it needs to obtain small parcels of temporary easements from various property owners along the streets. It will allow the contractor to work and have the necessary equipment.

Sidewalks are to be built on existing right-of-way, and easements will be obtained for maneuverability and slight changes that might be made to the grade. Upon completion of the project, the easement rights are no longer to be in effect.

Right-of-way and design staff from MoDOT are to be at the Green Hills Regional Planning Commission offices at 1104 Main in Trenton on Monday from 11 until 8 o’clock and Tuesday from 9 until 5 o’clock.

Affected property owners were to have been sent a letter by MoDOT asking them to contact MoDOT for an appointment. Affected property owners not receiving notification can call 1-888-ask MoDOT.

In order to issue payments, MoDOT needs to receive the property owners’ taxpayer identification number, which typically is an individual’s social security number.

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