The Green Hills Animal Shelter of Trenton is accepting donations for its Raise the Roof fundraiser to help pay for the replacement of its roof.
Animal Shelter Board President Terri Webb reports Ishmael and Son Construction, Wilson Heating and Cooling, and Stevens Excavating and Plumbing offered their services at cost to replace or repair the shelter’s roof, gutters, and drainage. The company also offered to complete the work up front before money was raised to keep the shelter dry and prevent more damage to the building.
Webb says a $25 donation would cover one square yard of the roof as well as a portion of the guttering and drainage system, however, the animal shelter appreciates any donation.
The shelter is registered as a 501(c)3, and donations are tax deductible. Donations can be dropped off at or mailed to the Green Hills Animal Shelter at 3041 East 10th Street in Trenton, Missouri 64683. Donations should be marked for Raise the Roof.
Donations can also be made with a credit card over the phone by calling the shelter at 660-359-2700.