Trenton City Council meeting agenda includes several ordinances at May 13th meeting

City of Trenton Website
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The Trenton City Council will consider one resolution and seven ordinances at its meeting on Monday, May 13, 2019. The meeting will be held at the Trenton City Hall at 7 o’clock.

The resolution involves imposing a use tax to out-of-state vendors. A couple of ordinances would approve agreements—one with R/S Electric Utility Services for technical support and the other with 5M Construction for construction of a fire training facility.

One ordinance would amend city code regarding sirens and flashing lights for emergency use. Another would approve an amendment with Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company for changes in the progressive design-build agreement for water and wastewater projects.

Yet another would change the zoning of property at 1712 Harris Avenue from multi-family to general commercial. The other two ordinances would repeal parts of city code involving a penalty for a violation regarding dogs and cats as well as offenses concerning prostitution.

Other items on Monday night’s council agenda include the North Central Missouri Development Alliance and Main Street Trenton with the discussion of a vendor day pass, approval of a fire training facility site development bid, and the utility committee with the approval of electric rates and a rate study.

The agenda also includes City Attorney Tara Walker with council training.

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