Governor Parson issues statement on shooting at Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City

Governor Parson photo courtesy Governor's office
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Governor Mike Parson issued the below statement following the shooting after the Super Bowl rally in Kansas City near Union Station: 

“I want to start with a thank you to Kansas City Police along with other state and local first responders who were able to quickly take two individuals into custody and provide critical care to victims following today’s shooting. 

This was a tragic conclusion to a celebration we had all looked forward to – none more than Teresa and me. The First Lady and I were present when shots broke out. Thanks to the professionalism of our security officers and first responders, Teresa and I and our staff are safe and secure. 

We commend local first responders and our state Missouri Disaster Medical Assistance Team for their quick actions to stop the threat and treat those in need. State and local law enforcement were prepared, they had a plan, and they ran towards danger when presented, undoubtedly saving lives. 

Investigations are ongoing and the state will continue supporting our local law enforcement officials throughout the process. Teresa and I want to remind our Kansas City community and anyone impacted by this incident that help is available through the 988 Crisis Hotline. 

As we wait to learn more, our hearts and prayers go out to the victims of this senseless violence.”

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