Gallatin Board of Aldermen vote to place pool tax on upcoming ballot

Gallatin Board of Aldermen news graphic
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The Gallatin Board of Aldermen voted on December 11 to implement a 0.3% pool tax on the upcoming ballot. This tax is designated to finance the repairs and maintenance of the city’s swimming pool.

During their meeting, the board examined budgets for streets, sewer, water, and city hall. City Administrator Lance Rains will make the necessary adjustments. To further discuss the budget, a special meeting is scheduled for December 20 at 3:30 p.m.

Due to Christmas Day falling on the date of the next regular meeting, it has been rescheduled to December 26.

Rains briefed the board on ongoing issues regarding gravel tickets for Union Township. He, along with Street Supervisor Jeff Johnson, addressed the discrepancies involving the township, the quarry, and the City of Gallatin’s tickets. Rains plans to continue coordinating with the township and Trager Limestone.

Rains also mentioned that City Prosecutor Julia Filley has closed her practice and will no longer serve as the city’s prosecuting attorney. The search for a new prosecutor will commence in January.

Wastewater Supervisor Eric Kloepping and Electric Supervisor Chris Plant recently attended a water training session to maintain their licensing. Water Supervisor Johnathan Hobbs and Ira Sloan from the water plant have completed their wastewater training course, earning their licenses as wastewater operators. City Clerk Crystal Dorrel noted that the city is actively cross-training employees.

The water plant recently underwent repairs to its carbon dioxide and air compressor system.

The wastewater department staff addressed several blockages during Thanksgiving.

The electric department decorated the city with Christmas lights and decorations.

The requirement for lineman school at the Missouri Public Utility Alliance was explored.

Street department staff have been engaged in filling street cuts with base material until they are properly compacted.

Gallatin experienced one snowfall in the past two weeks.

Renovations on the old firehouse included completing the roof and installing a new heater, and replacing the malfunctioning one.

The board concluded the meeting with a closed session focused on employee matters.

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