Community Writing Group of Grundy County accepting submissions for anthology

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The Community Writing Group of Grundy County is accepting submissions for its first anthology, which is a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing

Founder Pam Johnston says anyone who lives or has lived in the community may submit short writing pieces for the anthology for free. Those pieces can include poetry, short fiction or non-fiction, or memoirs.

The group opened up submissions to the community to get more of a variety of writing and Johnston hopes the group’s members will all submit something as well. There are word limits for the submitted pieces, and the anthology cannot be more than 60 pages long. The anthology will be published in the late summer or early fall.

The Community Writing Group hopes to make up the cost of publishing with sales of the work but the price for a copy of the anthology has not yet been determined. The deadline is May 31st for community members to submit pieces.

The Community Writing Group of Grundy County has only been meeting about a year and currently meets in the Shakespeare Room on the second floor of the North Central Missouri College Library the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons of each month at 3:30. The meeting times may change this summer.

During the meetings, members discuss opportunities to get work published, work they have written, thoughts on writing styles, and thoughts on things they have read. Anyone of any age can join.

Contact Community Writing Group Founder Pam Johnston to request an anthology submission form and guidelines or information about the group in general at 660-591-5312.

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