Audio: Hawley voting no on same sex marriage in the Senate

Josh Hawley Courtesy of Missourinet
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Missouri’s U-S Senator Josh Hawley will not support making same-sex marriage a federal civil right. He says it should be up to the states.



The Constitution says nothing about same-sex marriage. It says nothing about the definition of marriage, it leaves it to the states and always has. We have 200 years of state law, frankly, on marriage and who can get married, what age they can get married, etc, etc. I mean, there’s a huge body of law on this. And my view has always been that this is an issue for the states to decide.

The Senate vote will happen in the next few weeks, Senate leaders say, with the support of some Republicans. Supporters say the Roe-Vs-Wade overturn in the US Supreme Court makes its marriage decisions vulnerable.

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