Audio: Grain Belt-Related Legislation heads to the Missouri Senate

Grain Belt Express
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Legislation that is aimed at preventing the Grain Belt Express project from using eminent domain across northern Missouri is heading to the state Senate.

The House voted 115-35 on Thursday to give final approval to Frankford State Representative Jim Hansen’s bill, which says NO private entity has the power of eminent domain to build above-ground merchant lines.



Bill opponents include Olivette Democratic State Representative Tracy McCreery, who says the project would benefit the greater good of Missouri. McCreery also says Grain Belt would generate about seven-million dollars annually in property taxes to Missouri political subdivisions.

Tracy McCreery voting against it. McCreery says lawmakers should let the process play out.



McCreery tells House colleagues the Grain Belt project would involve about nine acres of farmland, adding that the project would generate seven-million dollars annually in property taxes to Missouri political subdivisions. Bill supporters say less than 12 percent of the Grain Belt’s electricity would be sold to Missouri consumers.

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