Jon Marshall of Iola, Kansas visits Trenton, interviewed for NCMC Presidential position

Jon Marshall of Iola, Kansas visits Trenton, interviewed for NCMC Presidential position
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After meeting with students, staff, and the general public on Tuesday afternoon at North Central Missouri College, Presidential candidate Jon Marshall was interviewed by KTTN.  Marshall told us first about his interest in the position, and his past job experience in education:

Marshall has been Vice President of Academic Affairs at Allen County Community College in Iola, Kansas since 2008.  He compared that two-year school with what he has seen and learned, about North Central Missouri College:

Iola has a population of 5,700, very close to the population (6,001) of Trenton.  Marshall is 54 years old.  He was privately interviewed on Tuesday night by the six-member NCMC Board of Trustees.  It was Marshall’s second visit to Trenton, as he was among semi-finalists interviewed a few weeks ago by NCMC’s 20-member presidential search committee.

The second candidate chosen as the finalists for the NCMC Presidential position is Dr. Lenny Klaver of Finlandia University in Houghton, Michigan.  Dr. Klaver will visit Trenton and be interviewed on Tuesday, March 29th.


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