The Grundy County Sheriff’s Office reports the arrest of two individuals on Wednesday.
Forty-six-year-old Adam Peter Bentz of Nixa has been charged with felony non-support—total arrears in excess of 12 monthly payments due under an order of support. Bond is $10,000 cash only.
Court documents accuse Bentz of failing to provide adequate food, clothing, lodging, and medical attention for his minor child for whom he was legally obligated to provide such support and failing to make his ordered child support payment in March 2018, with child support arrearage in excess of 12 months of court-ordered child support of $8,468.
Court information says Bentz is a prior and persistent offender punishable by a sentence of an extended term of imprisonment in that he pleaded guilty to felony forgery in Greene County Circuit Court in September 2006 and to felony non-support in each of six individual months within any 12-month period—amount owed in excess of $5,000 in Webster County Circuit Court in May 2007.
Thirty-two-year-old Brandon McKee Conklin of Trenton is accused of failing to appear in court on misdemeanor charges of driving while revoked or suspended—second or third offense, failure to register a motor vehicle, and owner operating a motor vehicle without maintaining financial responsibility. Bond is $5,000 cash only.
Both Bentz and Conklin are scheduled for the Associate Division of Grundy County Circuit Court February 26th.