Students participate in Ag Contest Day at North Central Missouri College

1750 students in ag contest day at NCMC
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Approximately 1,750 high school agriculture students from more than 80 high schools across northern Missouri participated in the annual NCMC Ag contest day held at North Central Missouri College on Thursday, March 16.

The contests were held in cooperation with Area 2 Agriculture Educators for students to practice their judging skills in preparation for further judging competitions in the areas of agronomy, dairy foods, entomology, farm management, FFA Knowledge, forestry, floriculture, horses, livestock, meats, nursery, poultry, and soils. NCMC agriculture students also assisted with various events and organization of the day.

For more information about the NCMC Ag contest, Barton Farm Campus, or Agriculture programs at NCMC, contact Rustin Jumps or Jack Green at (660) 359-3948 or visit the NCMC website

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