The Gallatin Board of Aldermen held a public hearing Monday evening and later approved an ordinance during a regular meeting adopting and enacting new codification of the city’s ordinance book. The ordinance conformed with State Statute and updated various zoning regulations. City Clerk Hattie Rains says no major changes were made to Gallatin City Code.
Connie Ford with the Missouri Public Utility Alliance presented Mayor Barb Ballew with a check for $7,883 awarding Gallatin with a Missouri Public Energy Pool Power Infrastructure Modernization grant to support upgrades to the city’s electric system. The money is to go toward the cost of improvements to the electric distributions system, including part of the cost for a pole replacement project on the main feeder line supplying power for the city.
City Administer Lance Rains reported Gallatin was denied a grant to purchase a new dump truck. Public Works Director Mark Morey said he would review other options for purchasing a dump truck. The board accepted a bid from Anderson Ford of Saint Joseph for a 2019 F250 for $33,229.24 upon approval of financing. Rains was to research financing options.
A motion was approved to add Rains to the signature cards at Farmers and BTC banks as well as assigning Rains as an authorized contact for State Farm, Edward Jones, Commerce Bank, Verizon, Windstream, and Sam’s Club.
The board discussed an insurance claim filed by Dollar General for storm damage repairs. Rains will work with the Missouri Intergovernmental Risk Management Association to address the claim.
Police Chief Mark Richards reported the annual MIRMA insurance evaluation went well, and no problems were found. Alderman John Whitfield inquired about selling fireworks in Gallatin. Richards reported it is against city ordinance to sell fireworks within city limits, however, residents can request a conditional use permit be presented to the board for approval.
Morey would like to order a tank of oil to complete a few chip/seal projects and order a portion of township rock credit for rock chips. The board talked about Richardson Street needing to be resealed and a section of Park Street needing to be replaced. Morey anticipates spending $10,000 to $15,000 in cold mix for the winter season to repair potholes.
A discussion was held on the Park Board’s shelter house remodeling plans and factoring in tax-exempt in bid specifications. The used scoreboard purchased from the City of Bethany will be able to be hooked up to the existing electric box at the upper baseball field.
Past and future contracts with the Public Water Supply District Number 2 and the United States Department of Agriculture requirements were also discussed. Laurie Walton-Roll announced she would not be able to manage the pool for the entire season this year. She recommended the board create a head guard and/or hire another adult supervisor. The board will consider options.