Audio: MoDOT project to resurface Highway 6 through Trenton begins preliminary phase

Road Milling MoDOT
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The Missouri Department of Transportation has set the dates and times to obtain easements from owners of properties along Highway 6 through Trenton in preparation for a resurfacing project involving portions of Main Street and 9th Street.

The project is one point seven miles in length and stretches from the west city limits to the overpass bridge on Highway 65. MoDOT’s website shows a Highway 6 road construction bid is to be awarded “this fall” by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

Austin Hibler, a MoDOT engineer, provides details on the project through Trenton.



A letter sent by MoDOT to property owners states right of way and design staff will be available in Trenton May 20th and 21st to sign temporary easements. Affected property owners can meet with MoDOT officials May 20th from 11 in the morning until 8 in the evening or the next day, May 21st, from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. The easement signings occur at the Green Hills Regional Planning Commission office.

Granting the easement allows a contractor to work, and have equipment in the areas necessary, to complete the project. Besides resurfacing the highway and the approaches with a two-inch overlay, the project includes rehabilitation of state-owned sidewalks between 4th street and Kitty street in Trenton.

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