Audio: Former Lebanon daycare worker accused of throwing four-year-old to ground

Child Abuse
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Prosecutors in southwest Missouri’s Lebanon have charged a former daycare employee with felony child abuse. KBNN’s Patty Burns reports the suspect is accused of throwing a four-year-old to the ground.



An investigation by the Lebanon Police Department has led to felony charges against a former employee of a local daycare. According to Lebanon Police, they received a report on March 15th, from the Board of Directors of Bullfrogs and Little Fishes, that an employee had assaulted a child under their care. 

Twenty-four-year-old Shaunna Keithley of Lebanon was arrested and has been charged with child abuse, on allegations that she picked up a 4-year-old child and threw her to the ground, injuring the child. Keithley is in custody at the Laclede County Jail with a bond of $5-thousand-dollars. According to Police, the child suffered minor injuries and is okay.

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