Mayor Soptic confident despite initial Trenton budget deficits

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The Trenton City Council recently reached a deadlock on approving the City of Trenton and Trenton Municipal Utilities (TMU) budgets. City council members Glen Briggs, Calvin Brown, Duane Urich, and John Dolan voted favorably. Those opposed were Lou Fisher, Marvin Humphreys, Tim Meinecke, and David Mlika.

Mayor Jackie Soptic cast the deciding vote in favor of the budgets, which will take effect on May 1.

Both budgets anticipate a deficit: the city’s is projected at $582,207, while TMU’s is expected to be $112,950.

Mayor Soptic, who observed the budget process for over three months, described it as “very thorough.”



Mayor Soptic acknowledged that starting the year with a deficit seems “pretty ominous,” however, she noted that the city typically underestimates early in the year, leading to an initial deficit projection. By year-end, the actual finances generally exceed these projections.

To fully understand the situation, Soptic requested detailed financial reports from the past five years from her staff.



Soptic also reported that the city holds over $3 million in its fund balance.

She emphasized that the budget is essentially a planning tool and noted that adjustments are often made shortly after its approval. This reflects the dynamic nature of city finances, where numbers frequently shift throughout the fiscal year.

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