Green Hills Animal Shelter receives donation of more than $3,200

Green Hills Animal Shelter website
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Trenton Hy-Vee has donated $3,260.28 to the Green Hills Animal Shelter in Trenton to assist with the roof fund.

Hy-Vee Store Director Tim Michael is an Animal Shelter Board member and said Hy-Vee raised money for the shelter through several promotions, the biggest of which was the Springtime Party where customers could round up their bills.

Customers donated $1,420.28 with Hy-Vee, Trenton Coca-Cola, and Pepsi each matching up to $500, which made an additional $1,500 for the Green Hills Animal Shelter. Century 21delivered floral arrangements for Hy-Vee on Valentine’s Day and Michael said Century 21 raised $340 which was donated to the animal shelter.

Steve Ishmael has already replaced the Green Hills Animal Shelter roof, fronting the cost to give the shelter time to do fundraisers. The shelter is working with Ishmael to pay for the cost of the roof on a deferred basis.

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