The Gallatin Board of Aldermen has requested City Administrator Tony Stonecypher to work with engineers to reduce costs for the new water plant.
Aldermen also ask sales tax revenue in savings be used to match the lowest bid. And, aldermen want to move forward with the lime softening plant on Rocky Road.
That came after Stonecypher said Gallatin had three options regarding the water plant. One would be to re-design the new plant from lime softening to iron removal to cut costs. The second option was To rehab the existing plant by replacing filters, clarifiers, and clear well. The third option was a lease purchase to fund the remaining 400-thousand dollars to match the lowest bid.
Among other topics, Alderman Steve Evans questioned rate changes for public water supply district two. City administrator Stonecypher will submit a proposal in the coming months for the rate increases.
The board approved the re-appointment of David Marble and Jeremy Dungy to the park board for three-year terms.