The Trenton City Council’s utility committee Tuesday evening continued the close look at expenditures that has been part of discussions this year at meetings of the council and its committees
The utility committee eventually agreed to send to the full council a list of proposed water line replacement projects. Combined, the preliminary construction costs are estimated at approximately three million dollars. Those projects would be in a five-year permit sought from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Obtaining a five-year permit for several projects avoids having to go through permitting for individual jobs.
Trenton has had a couple of five-year permits to replace water mains since 1999 or 2000. The goal is to replace mains that require the most repairs and are undersized for fire protection. There’s no requirement that the proposed projects are completed within a five-year period.
One scenario is for TMU to fund around $437,000 worth of projects this fiscal year with cash reserves. After that, water rate increases were discussed as a funding mechanism. Although no specific percent of an increase was recommended, two percent and five percent increases were looked at as examples.
Although it’s only an example a TMU scenario shows fiscal year spending ranging from $390,000 to $461,000 a year for water main work during the five-year period. That would leave $914,000 worth of other water main projects to be done, including $474,000 for work in the vicinity of proposed 17th street bridge replacement.
The first priority for water line replacements is along 17th Street, between Madison Street and Harris Avenue, and along Harris Avenue and Webster Street, between
18th Street and 26th Street. Since the planned fire department training facilities would be a beneficiary, a check was to be made to determine whether any funds from the city tax for fire protection and training could be used for the water line improvements in that area.
The second priority is the vicinity of 13th and Lord Streets.
The third priority is the vicinity of 10th Street and Oklahoma Avenue.
The fourth priority is Oklahoma Avenue; 26th street to 2002 Maddox Street.
The fifth priority is Maudlin Street; First Street to Second Avenue, Harris Avenue, First Street to Second Avenue, and Second Street; Kavanaugh Street to Harris Avenue.
The sixth priority is Chicago Street; 23rd street to 27th street.
The seventh priority is 9th Street; Laclede Street to Haliburton.
The eighth priority is 9th Street; Highland to Normal street, and 9th Street; Normal to 1700 9th street.
The ninth priority is in the area of the proposed 17th Street bridge replacement project.
That last priority would be moved up if funding is obtained to replace the bridge.
It’s anticipated Trenton will know in two to three months on whether it’s successful in obtaining grants for the bridge project.
The committee discussed, but took no action, on whether to employ Burns and McDonnell to provide engineering services for the first priority, 17th Street between Harris Avenue and Madison Street, and Harris Avenue between 18th Street and 26th Street. The cost of the engineering services were not to exceed nearly $76,000.
The utility committee eventually decided to have the full council determine whether Midland GIS Solutions should be employed to provide water meter GPS mapping for $14,500 and electric meter mapping for $13,250. The water meter GPS mapping was under budget but the electric meter mapping was over budget. That led utility committee chairman Mark Moore to voice opposition to the over budget item.
TMU Comptroller Rosetta marsh explained the budgeted amount had been reduced at the request of the finance committee during the budget-making process earlier this year.
Moore, Travis Elbert, and Larry Porter comprise the utility committee. Moore was elected the chairman at yesterday’s meeting. City Councilman Brad Chumbley also attended the utility committee session. Chumbley voiced support for the mapping equipment but criticized the council decision Monday night to purchase a new pickup truck and new utility vehicle for TMU.