August 2019 comes in with above average rainfall

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The August weather summary in Trenton includes above-average rainfall with low temperatures were slightly above average and highs nearly four degrees below normal.

Rainfall last month in Trenton totaled 6.9 inches which is two and one-third inches (2.32) above average for August. Rain and melted precipitation for the year in Trenton, through august, was 43.57inches, which is 16.26 inches above average for the first eight months of the year. Trenton already has surpassed what’s normal moisture for the entire year by nearly five inches.

Trenton has had sizable August rainfall in four of the past six years. There were 7.57 inches in 2014, 10.02 inches in 2016, 6.94 inches last year and 6.9 inches this year. The other two years, 2015 and 2017, had August rainfall slightly above three and one-half inches which was about one inch below average.

Highs last month in Trenton averaged 83 degrees with the warmest temperature of 91 on August 19th. Lows last month averaged about 66 degrees with the coolest temperature of 55 on Saturday morning, August 31.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, entering August, said above-normal precipitation and below-average temperatures were favored for our area, which turned out to be accurate on the rainfall and high temperatures. Low temperatures were slightly above average.

The outlook for September shows above-normal precipitation is slightly favored for our area, however, we’re on the borderline regarding temperatures. Areas generally north of Highway 36 are slightly favored to have below normal temperatures, however, areas South of Highway 36 has equal chances for above, below, or near-normal temperatures in September.

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