Audio: Parson’s budget proposes adding 100 children’s division workers, cutting 202 state job vacancies

Governor Parson photo courtesy Governor's office
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(Missourinet) – Governor Mike Parson’s 50-point-five billion-dollar state budget proposal is out. State Budget Director Dan Haug says it includes 22 million dollars to add 100 Children’s Division workers.



The governor’s proposal also includes 10 million dollars to build a new 60-bed Probation and Parole Supervision Center in southwest Missouri to provide community-based, short-term interventions for offenders at risk of re-offending. Another 7.2 million dollars would go to build a new youth center in the St. Louis region, which will include classrooms, a dormitory, kitchen, laundry services, and administrative offices.

State Budget Director Dan Haug says it does not include any state worker layoffs but instead eliminates a net of 202 current job vacancies. Under the plan, the Missouri Department of Transportation has the most:



The Department of Public Safety would have about 36 vacant positions eliminated and Higher Education and Workforce Development would have about 16 vacant positions cut. 

Parson is proposing more than 800 million dollars to help address Missouri’s childcare needs. More than 78 million would go to providers.



Another 56 million dollars would help to expand access to pre-K programs in public and charter schools for all low-income children. Under the proposal, about 17,000 additional Missouri children would have access to early childhood education programs.

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