Trenton Municipal Utilities Director presents report to Trenton City Council

Trenton, Missouri sign at entrance to city
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In his written report to the Trenton City Council, Trenton Municipal Utilities Director, Ron Urton, said the walls are up and the roof is on for the reservoir pump station building. Piping is scheduled for delivery next month. TMU has ordered a replacement ammonia mix for the chlorine contact basin at the water treatment plant.

At the sewer plant, Urton noted a project engineer is working with the city to make adjustments to the bar screen.

Urton reported the distribution crew is working to get more water meters to communicate with the Advance Metering Infrastructure. Data continues to be collected for the lead service line inventory.

Street crews have been installing culverts and hauling asphalt rock from a quarry.

Maintenance work is being done on the asphalt plant.

New radar units have been mounted in two Trenton police cars.

At the city-owned farm in north Trenton, Administrator Urton said a minor adjustment is being made to the acreage to provide more dirt sources and to re-grade eroded ditches. He noted an agreement is being re-done for the small four-acre tract adjacent to LET Farms.

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