Top students announced at Grundy R-5 in Galt Local News May 13, 2019 KTTN NewsShare To Your Social Network The top academic students at Grundy R-5 in Galt were recognized at commencement Sunday afternoon.The Valedictorian is Emma Baxter, daughter of Ken and Melanie Baxter, and the Salutatorian is Kendra Betz, daughter of Scott and Sherri Betz. Post Views: 1Share this:TweetWhatsAppEmailPrintMoreShare on TumblrRedditPocketTelegramRelatedShare To Your Social Network Sharing Email this article Print this articleTags AC, ACA, ad, after, afternoon, AL, announce, announced, auto, cement, draft, Ed, edict, Galt, Grundy, IS, Ken, LA, LED, LT, Ma, men, OU, R-5, recognized, RN, SC, student, students, sun, Sunday, top, UT, VA, were