Garrison Elementary Pre-Kindergarten classes visit Papa Charlie’s Pumpkin Patch

Garrison Elementary Pre-Kindergarten classes visit Papa Charlie's Pumpkin Patch
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Students from Pre-Kindergarten classes at Garrison Elementary School had a hands-on learning experience at Papa Charlie’s Pumpkin Patch.

The students learn about agriculture in the classroom through their regular curriculum and assistance from the Litton Crusaders program. During the school year students will learn all about animals on the farm, crops grown on the farm, and what farmers provide to the general population.

As part of the Litton Crusaders program, students got the opportunity to go to Papa Charlie’s Pumpkin Patch for a farm experience with a little fun mixed in. The students got to pet several animals in the petting zoo, visit with “Romeo” the donkey, see some longhorn cattle in their natural habitat, walk through a cornfield, shoot a pumpkin cannon, and get up close to hay bales.

All in all the kids had a fun day and the class extends thanks to the Livingston County Farm Bureau and the Jerry Litton Family Memorial Foundation for supporting this activity through the Litton Crusaders program.

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