The Chillicothe Mudcats baseball team will return to Trenton this Summer to play one of its games.
The Mudcats are scheduled to play the Nevada Griffons at the Burleigh Grimes Field the night of July 10th at 7:05. Mudcats Operations Manager Daniel Savage says the turnout for last year’s game at Trenton was “tremendous, ”and the crowd made it “a great night.”
A commemorative t-shirt, which the team plans to have again this year, will be available for purchase at the game. Savage says mascot Muddy was sick and not able to come to the Trenton game last year, but he hopes Muddy will be able to come to this year’s game.
Admission for the game will be $1.00 for students and $5.00 for adults.
The Chillicothe Mudcats baseball team relies on area families to host one or two players per family during the team’s seasons.
Operations Manager Daniel Savage says the Mudcats provide some staples for the players during the two-month season. Most meals are provided through the team’s corporate sponsors. The team “tries to keep the financial burden off the families” because they are already opening their homes to the players yet, the Mudcats would not be able to exist without host families.
Savage notes host families receive free admission to Chillicothe Mudcat games. The team’s players are comprised of colleges and universities across the country.